Saturday, July 15, 2006

We're Hotter Than Rock 'n' Roll

Someone's birthday is coming up in the next few days!

This someone is definitely a someone that you know!

This someone is cool!

This someone is funny!

This someone is charming and undeniably talented!

This someone is also cute as a button!

Who is this someone, you ask?

Oh, come on! It's pretty freaking obvious.

Please join me in wishing a very happy birthday to:


Happy 54th birthday, you hunky manstallion you!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

As a testament to his immense talents, you should all read a few reviews from Hell, one thousand customers can't be wrong!

Also, I am sort of perplexed that this video never gets any airplay:

(Now playing: "Awesome", Veruca Salt...praise be to C-Mac, who was the catalyst in my rediscovery of this fab song. Download it now. Goodbye, 25...It's a fine place to be.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I ... I have no idea how this isn't played everywhere all the time. Clearly, he is a God among men... or blue screens anyway.

7:55 PM  
Blogger JTL said...

Dude, that may or may not be the best/worst Hoff video ever. Check this out.

(It seems as if David has a penchant for making crappy, cheesy videos with outrageously horrible production values. Intentional? Maybe.)

(God, I hope so.)

10:55 PM  

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