My Funny Valentine
I think it's hilarious that only a couple of days after I wrote this article on DJ Danger Mouse , Rob got bitchslapped with a cease-and-desist order of his very own. Making him the coolest person I know right now.
I spent Valentine's Day with a super hot date - my highschool friend Alison. Since her boyfriend was working until 11PM and my boyfriend is inconsiderate enough to live 3 hours away, we decided to sneak some booze into a movie theatre and see Monster. It was very good and very very sad. I'll die of shock if Charlize Theron doesn't win an Oscar for her performance.
If you haven't seen Monster yet, I suggest that you do. I also suggest that you smuggle alcohol into the theatre, and play the Monster Drinking Game. Basically, drink every time a character in the film takes a swig of beer. You'll be tanked before the halfway mark.
I have a gross coldsore (wanna make out?) and am feeling that I am on the verge of sick this week. The other day, I had this insane headache (which I choose to believe was a real live migraine) that hurt so badly that I actually felt nauseous and left work early. I went home and slept for hours and got better, but my health still feels a little bit precarious, overall.
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(Now playing: "December 4th", Jay-Z + DJ Danger Mouse)
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